steve mccurry steve mccurry from these hands

Steve McCurry. Steve McCurry: A Life in Pictures

Steve McCurry. Steve McCurry: A Life in Pictures

Пр-во: Республика

The biggest and most comprehensive volume on Steve McCurry published to date and the final word on forty years of McCurry's incredible work. Written and compiled by Bonnie McCurry, Steve's sister and President of the McCurry Foundation, Steve McCurry: A Life in Pictures is the ultimate book of McCurry's images and his approach to photography.The book brings together all of McCurry's key adventures and influences, from his very first journalistic images taken in the aftermath of the 1977 Johnstown floods, to his breakthrough journey into Afghanistan hidden among the mujahideen, his many travels across India and Pakistan, his coverage of the destruction of the 1991 Gulf War and the September 11th terrorist attacks in New York, up to his most-recent work. Totaling over 350 images, the selection of photographs includes his best-known shots as well as over 100 previously unpublished images. Also included are personal notes, telegrams, and visual ephemera from his travels and assignments, all accompanied by Bonnie McCurry's authoritative text – drawn from her unique relationship with Steve – as well as reflections from many of Steve's friends and colleagues.

11500 Руб.

Steve McCurry. Steve McCurry: A Life in Pictures

Steve McCurry. Steve McCurry: A Life in Pictures

Пр-во: Laurence King Publishing

The biggest and most comprehensive volume on Steve McCurry published to date and the final word on forty years of McCurry's incredible work. Written and compiled by Bonnie McCurry, Steve's sister and President of the McCurry Foundation, Steve McCurry: A Life in Pictures is the ultimate book of McCurry's images and his approach to photography.The book brings together all of McCurry's key adventures and influences, from his very first journalistic images taken in the aftermath of the 1977 Johnstown floods, to his breakthrough journey into Afghanistan hidden among the mujahideen, his many travels across India and Pakistan, his coverage of the destruction of the 1991 Gulf War and the September 11th terrorist attacks in New York, up to his most-recent work. Totaling over 350 images, the selection of photographs includes his best-known shots as well as over 100 previously unpublished images. Also included are personal notes, telegrams, and visual ephemera from his travels and assignments, all accompanied by Bonnie McCurry's authoritative text – drawn from her unique relationship with Steve – as well as reflections from many of Steve's friends and colleagues.

12450 Руб.

McCurry Steve In Search of Elsewhere. Unseen Images

McCurry Steve In Search of Elsewhere. Unseen Images


A unique collection of previously unseen images spanning Steve McCurry's extraordinary career. Steve McCurry is known for creating some of the most iconic images of recent times and in this new collection, he shares previously unseen photographs from his incredibly rich archive. In Search of Elsewhere takes us across the globe and reveals the diversity of human life. From India, Myanmar and Cuba, to Togo, Ethiopia, Macedonia and the monasteries of Tibet - McCurry offers a new perspective on many of the locations across the globe. Each image is reproduced at large format and in remarkable detail and this new compilation reveals the incredible depth of his work. "I compare photography to food, air, and sleep...this creative energy, this impulse, is what gives us purpose, pleasure, joy, happiness and love." Steve McCurry

9738 Руб.

Steve McCurry. Тhe Iconic Photographs

Steve McCurry. Тhe Iconic Photographs

Пр-во: Республика

This spectacular book brings together the most beautiful, memorable and evocative pictures of Steve McCurry's extraordinary career. 

14900 Руб.

McCurry Steve Afghanistan

McCurry Steve Afghanistan


Magnum photographer Steve McCurry’s Afghanistan retrospective Afghanistan has long been a country overwhelmed by tribal rivalries, colonial wars, and geo-political conflict. The Afghans have called their mountains “the land of rebellion,” a land that has not been successfully occupied since the times of Alexander the Great. These invaders — Persians, Arabs, Moguls, Sikhs, British, Russians — may have been thwarted, but wandering through the bazaars of Kabul will attest to their legacy. In the people of Afghanistan, the genes of countless races meet and intermingle. Deep are the fissures in Afghan society; the schism between Sunni and Shia, the endemic violence across clans and tribes, and the blood feuds and rivalries within lineages. Yet born of such chaos and entrenched conflict are these most breathtaking of images. In this definitive retrospective of his work in Afghanistan, Steve McCurry has curated over 140 gripping images to present a torn, proud people, from the desert of Kandahar to the streets of Kabul and remote rivers of Nuristan. For almost four decades, McCurry traveled to the country regularly, documenting its people with a rare and disarming humanity. His most striking portrait Afghan Girl (1984) has graced the covers of magazines around the world, in equal parts haunting and evoking remarkable grace and dignity. In common with so much of McCurry’s work, it has a timeless, painterly quality—entirely at odds with the troubled region in which it was taken. McCurry has always been subjected to dangers that are an inevitable part of life “on the road” for photographers. He often ventured behind the lines, usually at great risk. His first trip to Afghanistan in 1979 involved him dressing in Afghan garb in order to be smuggled across the border from Pakistan. That journey into the treacherous, unpredictable landscape — territory controlled at various times by the Mujahideen, the Russians, and the Taliban — was one that McCurry would make numerous times. Many other photographers would follow in his footsteps, but none would return with such a flawless body of work.

8821 Руб.

McCurry Steve Steve McCurry Untold. The Stories Behind the Photographs

McCurry Steve Steve McCurry Untold. The Stories Behind the Photographs


The bestselling behind-the-scenes look at the career of the legendary photographer - now in a new, compact format Now in paperback and re-sized for easy reading, Steve McCurry Untold is the only book to tell the fascinating stories behind McCurry's most iconic photographs. It explores the travels, methods, and magic that gave birth to his evocative images, delving deep into the true stories behind McCurry's most important assignments for National Geographic and beyond - including his reunion with the now-legendary 'Afghan Girl'. Each story includes McCurry's first-hand account alongside specially commissioned essays, ephemera, and personal photographs from his private archive. Featuring beautiful reproductions of McCurry's photographs spanning a broad range of themes and subjects and ephemera such as snapshots, journal extracts, maps, and newspaper clippings, Steve McCurry Untold is a living biography of one of the most imaginative documentary photographers working today. More than 50,000 copies of the hardback edition sold worldwide, it was translated into seven languages and became an international bestseller.

5683 Руб.

Steve McCurry. Steve McCurry. In Search of Elsewhere. Unseen Images

Steve McCurry. Steve McCurry. In Search of Elsewhere. Unseen Images

Пр-во: Республика

Уникальная коллекция ранее не публиковавшихся изображений, посвященных выдающейся карьере Стива МакКарри.Стив МакКарри известен тем, что создал одни из самых знаковых изображений последнего времени, и в этой новой коллекции он делится ранее не публиковавшимися фотографиями из своего невероятно богатого архива. В поисках другого места мы путешествуем по всему миру и предлагаем новые перспективы многих мест, которые фотограф уже прославил – от Индии, Мьянмы и Кубы до Кашмира и побеленных храмов Гималаев. Каждое изображение воспроизведено в большом формате и с поразительной детализацией, и эта новая компиляция раскрывает невероятную глубину его работ.«Я сравниваю фотографию с едой, воздухом и сном… эта творческая энергия, этот импульс — это то, что дает нам цель, удовольствие, радость, счастье и любовь». Стив МакКарриТак же доступно:Стив МакКарри: жизнь в картинкахA unique collection of previously unseen images spanning Steve McCurry's extraordinary career.Steve McCurry is known for creating some of the most iconic images of recent times and in this new collection, he shares previously unseen photographs from his incredibly rich archive. In Search of Elsewhere takes us across the globe and offers new perspectives on many of the locations that the photographer has already made famous – from India, Myanmar and Cuba, to Kashmir and the white-washed temples of the Himalayas. Each image is reproduced at large format and in remarkable detail and this new compilation reveals the incredible depth of his work."I compare photography to food, air, and sleep... this creative energy, this impulse, is what gives us purpose, pleasure, joy, happiness and love." Steve McCurryAlso available:Steve McCurry: A Life in Pictures

7680 Руб.

Bannon Anthony Steve McCurry

Bannon Anthony Steve McCurry


Steve McCurry is best known for his evocative colour photography of Southeast Asia. He has captured stories of human experience which, in the finest documentary tradition, cross boundaries of language and culture. McCurry's career was launched in 1979 when he crossed the border from Pakistan into rebel-controlled Afghanistan just before the Russian invasion. This body of work won him the prestigious Robert Capa Gold Medal. A contributor to National Geographic for many years and a member of Magnum Photos since 1986, McCurry's images have become modern icons.

2018 Руб.

МакКарри С. Steve McCurry: Afghanistan

МакКарри С. Steve McCurry: Afghanistan


Afghanistan has long been a country overwhelmed by tribal rivalries, colonial wars, and geo-political conflict. The Afghans have called their mountains “the land of rebellion,” a land that has not been successfully occupied since the times of Alexander the Great. These invaders — Persians, Arabs, Moguls, Sikhs, British, Russians — may have been thwarted, but wandering through the bazaars of Kabul will attest to their legacy. In the people of Afghanistan, the genes of countless races meet and intermingle.Deep are the fissures in Afghan society; the schism between Sunni and Shia, the endemic violence across clans and tribes, and the blood feuds and rivalries within lineages. Yet born of such chaos and entrenched conflict are these most breathtaking of images.In this definitive retrospective of his work in Afghanistan, Steve McCurry has curated over 140 gripping images to present a torn, proud people, from the desert of Kandahar to the streets of Kabul and remote rivers of Nuristan. For almost four decades, McCurry traveled to the country regularly, documenting its people with a rare and disarming humanity. His most striking portrait Afghan Girl (1984) has graced the covers of magazines around the world, in equal parts haunting and evoking remarkable grace and dignity. In common with so much of McCurry’s work, it has a timeless, painterly quality—entirely at odds with the troubled region in which it was taken.McCurry has always been subjected to dangers that are an inevitable part of life “on the road” for photographers. He often ventured behind the lines, usually at great risk. His first trip to Afghanistan in 1979 involved him dressing in Afghan garb in order to be smuggled across the border from Pakistan. That journey into the treacherous, unpredictable landscape — territory controlled at various times by the Mujahideen, the Russians, and the Taliban — was one that McCurry would make numerous times. Many other photographers would follow in his footsteps, but none would return with such a flawless body of work.

8031 Руб.

МакКарри С. Steve McCurry: Afghanistan

МакКарри С. Steve McCurry: Afghanistan


Afghanistan has long been a country overwhelmed by tribal rivalries, colonial wars, and geo-political conflict. The Afghans have called their mountains “the land of rebellion,” a land that has not been successfully occupied since the times of Alexander the Great. These invaders — Persians, Arabs, Moguls, Sikhs, British, Russians — may have been thwarted, but wandering through the bazaars of Kabul will attest to their legacy. In the people of Afghanistan, the genes of countless races meet and intermingle.Deep are the fissures in Afghan society; the schism between Sunni and Shia, the endemic violence across clans and tribes, and the blood feuds and rivalries within lineages. Yet born of such chaos and entrenched conflict are these most breathtaking of images.In this definitive retrospective of his work in Afghanistan, Steve McCurry has curated over 140 gripping images to present a torn, proud people, from the desert of Kandahar to the streets of Kabul and remote rivers of Nuristan. For almost four decades, McCurry traveled to the country regularly, documenting its people with a rare and disarming humanity. His most striking portrait Afghan Girl (1984) has graced the covers of magazines around the world, in equal parts haunting and evoking remarkable grace and dignity. In common with so much of McCurry’s work, it has a timeless, painterly quality—entirely at odds with the troubled region in which it was taken.McCurry has always been subjected to dangers that are an inevitable part of life “on the road” for photographers. He often ventured behind the lines, usually at great risk. His first trip to Afghanistan in 1979 involved him dressing in Afghan garb in order to be smuggled across the border from Pakistan. That journey into the treacherous, unpredictable landscape — territory controlled at various times by the Mujahideen, the Russians, and the Taliban — was one that McCurry would make numerous times. Many other photographers would follow in his footsteps, but none would return with such a flawless body of work.

8031 Руб.

МакКари Стив Steve McCurry. The Iconic Photographs. Стив МакКари

МакКари Стив Steve McCurry. The Iconic Photographs. Стив МакКари


Американский фотограф Стив МакКарри повсеместно известен как один из наилучших современных фотохудожников, за свою долгую творческую жизнь он собрал множество наивысших наград в области фотографии. Монография, которую вы видите, собрала под обложкой его самые яркие и красивые работы, снятые в разных уголках планеты за последние 30 лет. Способность СМ пересекать языковые и культурные границы в погоне за ускользающими мгновениями человеческого бытия поражает. Метко подмечая прекрасные формы, силуэты, цвета и симметрии, он открывает для нас окна в другие миры. В таком большом формате образы СМ особенно впечатляющи. Немного больше реальных размеров его портреты оказывают обезоруживающее воздействие на ваше восприятие, когда даже самые незначительные детали второго плана четко видны на фотографии. Портреты детей, паломников и фермеров представлены наряду с видами древних храмов, наводненных людьми городских улиц, фантастических горных пейзажей и мирно текущей повседневной жизни - люди ловят рыбу, играют, работают, молятся. Размером со страницу, а то и с разворот, фотографии размещены так, чтобы оказать на читателя наибольшее впечатление. Для удобства на последних страницах все альбомные иллюстрации приводятся совсем маленькими, с номерами страниц и краткими статьями. На английском языке.

16422 Руб.



Пр-во: EPIC

1 Poison 4:302 Spark In The Dark 3:523 House Of Fire 3:454 Why Trust You 3:145 Only My Heart Talkin" 4:466 Bed Of Nails 4:207 This Maniacs" In Love With You 3:488 Trash 4:029 Hell Is Living Without You 4:1110 I"m Your Gun 3:48Участники записи альбома Backing Vocals – Alan St. JonBacking Vocals – Bernie ShanahanBacking Vocals – Desmond ChildBacking Vocals – Diana GraselliBacking Vocals – Hugh McDonaldBacking Vocals – Jamie SeverBacking Vocals – Jango (3)Backing Vocals – Joe TuranoBacking Vocals – Louis MerlinoBacking Vocals – Maria VidalBacking Vocals – Michael Anthony (3)Backing Vocals – Myriam ValleBacking Vocals – Stiv BatorsBacking Vocals – Tom TeeleyBass – Hugh McDonaldDrums – Bobby ChouinardEngineer – Ben FowlerEngineer – Brian SterberEngineer – Don PeterkofskyEngineer – Duane SeykoraEngineer – George CowanEngineer – John HermanEngineer – Lolly GrodnerEngineer – Mark TanzerEngineer – Nick DidiaEngineer – Obie O&"BrienEngineer – Robert Hart (3)Guitar – John McCurryKeyboards – Alan St. JonLead Vocals – Alice Cooper (2)Mastered By – George MarinoMixed By – Michael BarbieroMixed By – Steve ThompsonMixed By – Steve Thompson & Michael BarbieroProduct Manager – Michael Anthony (3)Recorded By – Arthur PaysonRecorded By – Arthur PaysonWritten-By – Alice Cooper (2)Written-By – Andy GoldmarkWritten-By – Bob HeldWritten-By – Bruce RobertsWritten-By – Desmond ChildWritten-By – Diane WarrenWritten-By – Jamie SeverWritten-By – Joan JettWritten-By – John McCurryWritten-By – Jon Bon JoviWritten-By – Mark FrazierWritten-By – Richie SamboraWritten-By – Tom Teeley

1622 Руб.

Jones Steve, Thompson Ben Lonely Boy

Jones Steve, Thompson Ben Lonely Boy


Foreword by Chrissie Hynde Without the Sex Pistols there would be no punk rock, and without Steve Jones there would be no Sex Pistols. It was Steve who formed Kutie Jones and his Sex Pistols, the band that eventually went on to become the Sex Pistols, with his schoolmate Paul Cook and who was its original leader. As the world celebrates the 40th anniversary of Punk - the influence and cultural significance of which is felt in music, fashion and the visual arts to this day - Steve tells his story for the very first time. Rising from the streets of Hammersmith, Steve Jones was once a lonely, neglected boy living off his wits and petty thievery. Given purpose by the glam art rock of David Bowie and Roxy Music, he became one of the first generation of punks taken under the wings of Malcolm McLaren and Vivienne Westwood. For the very first time Steve describes the neglect and abuse he suffered at the hands of his stepfather, and how his interest in music and fashion saved him from a potential life of crime. From the Kings Road of the early seventies, through the years of the Sex Pistols, Punk Rock and the recording of Never Mind the Bollocks (ranked number 41 in Rolling Stone magazine's Best Albums of All Time), to his self-imposed exile in New York and Los Angeles where he battled with alcohol, heroin and sex addiction - caught in a cycle of rehab and relapse - Lonely Boy, written with music journalist and author Ben Thompson, is the story of an unlikely guitar hero who, with the Sex Pistols, changed history.

2623 Руб.

Cold War Steve Presents... The Festival of Brexit

Cold War Steve Presents... The Festival of Brexit


Cold War Steve has been acclaimed as the Brexit Bruegel and a modern-day Hogarth or Gillray. His Twitter feed, McFadden's Cold War, has become a cult phenomenon, with over 120,000 followers (and counting). This book contains the prime cuts of his elaborate, satirical photo collages from his Twitter feed, with further exclusive, unseen new work. Begun as a personal reprieve from an often-bleak political climate, Cold War Steve (Christopher Spencer in real life) started collaging images of longstanding Eastender Steve McFadden (aka Phil Mitchell) into Cold War-era scenarios, using a GBP3 smartphone app while commuting. As 'Brexit Britain' begins to take shape his output has taken an increasingly surreal, satirical turn - in what some are calling 'furious absurdism' - creating dystopian, absurdly funny Brexit-era landscapes populated with a rotating cast of political, cultural or otherwise newsworthy (or not) figures, and ever-present Fray Bentos pies. A pitch-perfect marriage of Internet meme culture and the political lampoon, Cold War Steve satirizes our increasingly incongruous-seeming popularpolitical culture with quintessentially British humour. In a time when the UK's exit from the EU looms large, Cold War Steve offers us a satirical escape from a world that seems to have slipped its moorings from reality.

1771 Руб.

Blanchard Kenneth, Fowler Susan, Hawkins Laurence Self Leadership And the One Minute Manager. Gain the Mindset and Skillset for Getting What You Need

Blanchard Kenneth, Fowler Susan, Hawkins Laurence Self Leadership And the One Minute Manager. Gain the Mindset and Skillset for Getting What You Need


Twenty years after creating the phenomenal bestselling classic The One Minute Manager, Ken Blanchard returns to its roots with the most powerful and essential title in the series as he explores the skills needed to empower yourself to success. In this captivating business parable, bestselling author Ken Blanchard tells the story of Steve, a young advertising executive who is about to lose his job. During a series of talks with a gifted magician named Cayla, Steve comes to realize the power of taking responsibility for his situation and not playing the victim. Passing along the knowledge she has learned from The One Minute Manager, Cayla teaches Steve the three tricks of self leadership. These three techniques not only empower him to keep his job, but give him the skills he needs to keep growing, learning, and achieving. The primary message of Self Leadership And the One Minute Manager is that power, freedom, and autonomy come from having the right mindset and the skills needed to take personal responsibility for success.

1814 Руб.

Robinson S. The Hero Two Doors Down

Robinson S. The Hero Two Doors Down


Stephen Satlow is an eight-year-old boy living in Brooklyn, New York, which means he only cares about one thing-the Dodgers. Steve and his father spend hours reading the sports pages and listening to games on the radio. Aside from an occasional run-in with his teacher, life is pretty simple for Steve. But then Steve hears a rumor that an African American family is moving to his all-Jewish neighborhood. It's 1948 and some of his neighbors are against it. Steve knows this is wrong. His hero, Jackie Robinson, broke the color barrier in baseball the year before. Then it happens--Steve's new neighbor is none other than Jackie Robinson! Steve is beyond excited about living two doors down from the Robinson family. He can't wait to meet Jackie. This is going to be the best baseball season yet! How many kids ever get to become friends with their hero?

696 Руб.

Товары и скидки:

чугунная печь для бани гефест avangard зк ураган 30 п2 в сетке тюльпан | печь для бани русь 18 л | теплоизоляция нпэ стенофон 190 2 40мм лист 1х0 6м | изоляция отражающая стенофон 190в 4мм 1х10м | теплоизоляция нпэ стенофон 190 2 50мм лист 1х0 6м | теплоизоляция нпэ стенофон 190 2 20мм лист 1х0 6м | подложка нпэ стенофон 190а 2мм 1 05х10м | одеяло евростандарт 200х220 см бамбук 250 г м2 всесезонное чехол 100 | изоляция отражающая стенофон 190в 2мм 1х15м с сеткой | одеяла baby nice отк стеганое хлопок 145х200 см | теплоноситель warme теплоноситель пропиленгликоль 10кг warme eco pro 30 | дровяная печь 10 квт теплодар теплодар тамань 10т 2017 | печь теплодар русь 12лу | дровяная печь теплодар теплодар топ 140 дс | дровяная печь теплодар теплодар топ 200 дч | дровяная печь теплодар теплодар локомотивъ 120 | печь для бани русь 18лу | дровяная печь теплодар теплодар мильна 200 | отопительная печь теплодар метеор 150 | одеяло camelus размер 200 220 см tango | тройник pro aqua comfort d40 мм 45° пластиковый для внутренней канализации | подушка iv74576 верблюжья шерсть поплекс 50 70 | нагревательный мат двужильный теплолюкс tropix 160 мнн 1920вт 12 0кв м | гольфстрим 65 антифриз для систем отопления 20кг гольфстрим 65 теплоноситель этиленгликоль 20кг | одеяло iv74734 верблюжья шерсть велюр 1 5 спальный 140 205 |

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